Two-Seven Remainder

A Novel

by Matt Hader

Jakub “Pies” Jakubowski is an expert at what he does, so good that he maintains a clean criminal record. Twenty-eight-year-old Pies is a member of a Chicago Outfit-sanctioned burglary crew run by Northwest-Side-based boss Stan Zielinski and his son Sebastian, “Bast.” Because Pies is arrest-free, he’s ordered to take a position in a newly opened suburban 9-1-1 communications center. The plan calls for Pies to supply his accomplices with information about alarm systems that are currently out of service. A non-functioning alarm equals an easy payday for him and his bosses.

But Pies is fed up with the criminal life, and he loathes being placed in the dangerous position of working so closely with the police. He knows at any moment he could be arrested while stealing information. Pies moves to take down his crew, so they’ll be locked up and no longer a threat to him, and he’ll start anew in a foreign country. The true challenge in Pies’s risky plan, however, rests on him somehow persuading the troubled and artistic woman he loves—who also happens to be Bast’s girlfriend—to go away with him.

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SRP: $15.95 paperback, $22.95 hardcover

Page Count: 324

Publication Date: 1 December 2015

ISBN-10: 1937484408 paperback, 195687271X hardcover

ISBN-13: 978-1937484408 paperback, 978-1956872712 hardcover