The Story of My Universe

and Other Stories

by Christopher Guerin

In seventeen powerful stories, Christopher Guerin pulls us into a multi-dimensional, ironic universe that slides seamlessly from a re-telling of Kafka’s Metamorphosis to the competitive politics and ego-driven amorality of symphony orchestras. These stories re-imagine Midwestern American lives in scenes ranging from dysfunctional realism to fantastical musings on selling facial features. Each story asks us to examine ourselves—our sexual desires, ambitions, and outcomes—in a mirror world that feels like it is crumbling around us in real time. All of the stories challenge the limits of ordinary life with subtlety of thought, humor, and grace in language.

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SRP: $14.95 paperback, $21.95 hardcover

Page Count: 264

Publication Date: 26 July 2020

ISBN-10: 1937484815 paperback, 1956872248 hardcover

ISBN-13: 978-1937484811 paperback, 978-1956872248 hardcover