The Rocky Orchard

by Barbara Monier

Why has Mazie returned to her old farm—her family’s summer home and a pivotal refuge throughout her life?

While there, Mazie meets and befriends an elderly woman. Mazie is adrift on a sea of memory as she gazes toward the rocky orchard above the farmhouse when movement in the far distance captures her attention. Lula emerges eerily from the morning fog, and a gentle, cautiously loving relationship between youth and old age begins.

As the two women meet each morning to play cards, Mazie considers the shape of her life and the nature of her recollections through stories she tells to her new, older friend. The women travel together through Mazie’s stories as if they are tentatively feeling their way through the stony risks hidden by the mist beneath the apple trees. Like a vision that disappears into the distance, it becomes increasingly unclear exactly what events in Mazie’s life caused her to return to the farm. And as she explores the illusory intersection of past, present and future, Mazie begins to question whether it was, in fact, a coincidence that Lula came into view one cool morning—and whether anything she believes or feels is real.

Read excerpt as paperback PDF or Kindle eBook. Also available on Audible.

SRP: $15.95 paperback, $22.95 hardcover

Page Count: 188

Publication Date: 12 May 2020

ISBN-10: 1937484823 paperback, 1956872086 hardcover

ISBN-13: 978-1937484828 paperback, 978-1956872088