The Mystery at Sag Bridge

#1 Cora Tozzi Historical Mystery Series

by Pat Camalliere

Cora Tozzi is a retired businesswoman who, after nursing her mother through her final illness, wishes only for a peaceful orderly world in her suburban Chicago home. When an angry spirit begins to leave cryptic messages on her computer and threatens those around her, Cora is forced to dig into the town’s notorious past to uncover secrets that will free the bonds that tie her and the spirit. With the help of her husband and their friend, Frannie, Cora uses her skills as an amateur historian in a search that takes them into unexpected terrain including subterranean passages, an eerie graveyard, and shadowy paths in isolated forests where a sinister predator is awakened. As they battle unpredictable supernatural powers, the story takes a poignant turn: the spirit’s life is revealed, and both women, a century apart, examine threads into the past and the future, their loss and longing linked across the generations.

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SRP: $16.95 paperback, $23.95 hardcover

Page Count: 344

Publication Date: 4 April 2015

ISBN-10: 1937484300 paperback, 1956872213 hardcover

ISBN-13: 978-1937484309 paperback, 978-1956872217 hardcover